melz world

a secret site where I can capture my deepest thoughts about my infertility and other whatnots

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Fear is setting in

I am 5 days away from finding out if my second implatation cycle was successful. I keep reading about the bad luck that seems to be plaguing IF land, and I have the sinking feeling that it may not be over. I have been having some period like cramping and moodiness - feels like PMS. The only thing positive is that I have been having some faintness which is what I had last time I was pregnant. Wishful thinking?

I think that I am going to get a pee stick before my beta test to find out if this worked or not. I really want to know if this worked or not. I don't know if I can wait til Thursday.

Sunday was my 12th wedding anniversary, but since I was on bed rest for most of the weekend we didn't do anything (except D sent me flowers at work - awwww). So he surprised me on Wednesday with a fancy dinner out to a great Seattle steakhouse. It was soooo yummy. I could never be a vegitarian for one reason and one reason only, I love a good beef tenderlion.

On a sadder note, I want to share my sadness and condolences for Jenny. I just read her blog tonight, and the news isn't good. My heart is breaking for you Jenny.


  • At 9:45 PM, Blogger Maya said…

    I hope the next 5 days go by fast and with an extremely positive result at the end. Happy Anniversary. It sounds like it was wonderful

  • At 5:45 AM, Blogger x said…

    Thank you so much for your support. It's blog land and you fab. ladies that are keeping me afloat right now.
    I would love to see your frozen cycle work, it would give me a ton of hope. I'll be thinking of you, all the best!

  • At 9:46 AM, Blogger Mellie said…

    I'm sure the next 5 days will drag by for you. But I hope you find out that this IVF-FET cycle was the one.

  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger Barely Sane said…

    My fingers are crossed for you! Hopefully the week passes quickly and ends with great news.


  • At 5:39 PM, Blogger Sunny said…

    I have been looking for you. I am glad you are around. I hope the wait is QUICK!


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