melz world

a secret site where I can capture my deepest thoughts about my infertility and other whatnots

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Buns in my oven (hopefully)

Friday marked the first time that I have ever had a fresh implantation. They put in 2 excellent 8-celled embryos. Now we wait. 10 more days. 10 more loooong days. I have to travel on the 3rd and 4th to LA and back to Seattle, I hope that's not a problem, otherwise I'll cancel. I'll call my doctor and find out what he says. If he says no, then they'll have to get along w/out me and I'll keep my feet planted firmly on tera firma.

I am still waiting to hear about the rest of my little embryos. Last I heard was that there were:
2 - excellent 8-celled (implanted)
1 - very good 9-celled
3 - very good 8-celled
1 - very good 7-celled
12 that were not that great.

The 12 are being grown out to blast if they can be, and then frozen. The remaining were frozen at day 3. I am waiting to hear back from the clinic tomorrow to hear what the outcome was. Complicated? Yes, but I wasn't going to risk the excellent to very good embys on blast when last time it went so horribly wrong. Besides I read an article that indicated the a woman in my age range only will have a 5% better chance of success with cleaved vs blast embryo transfer so cleaved is the decision I made. Hope that it works out.

tick toc - 10 more days. I need one of those countdown clocks that show the days, hours, minutes until I know.


  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger Sunny said…

    Fingers crossed! And anything else I can possibly cross!

  • At 6:43 PM, Blogger Maya said…

    So hoping that they "Stick" for you

  • At 3:12 PM, Blogger zhl said…

    Hope those great embryos stick around. Good luck in the wait.


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