melz world

a secret site where I can capture my deepest thoughts about my infertility and other whatnots

Monday, June 04, 2007


I am still 8 days before my official due date, but dialation and effacment has commenced. Friday I went in for my weekly appt. The results are I am 2.5 cm dialated and effaced. Cervix is soft and she was able to push on the baby's head. It's hard to belive that I have progressed already. Labor could still be weeks away, but at least I know that my body seems to know what it's doing.

At work, there is a baby watch going on. Today I had a morning meeting in a different building so I didn't get to my office until 11 am and there were a group of people in the hall wondering if I was having or had a baby over the weekend. Each day when people leave I get the good luck good bye incase I go into labor that night. It's fun to have such a good group of co-workers who care.

The other news is that the baby's room is finally done! It is so beautiful! It took a marathon of weekends to get it there, but it was worth it. I never would have thought that it would have turned out so pretty. I had the vision in my head, but sometimes things don't turn out quite how you think it will. In this case, I got it right.


  • At 3:19 AM, Blogger Sunny said…

    I can't believe that your time is here. WOW!

    We need pictures of the nursery!!!


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